Umlilo Ovuthayo II
Themba Khumalo 2016 – Saint Emilion, France.
Charcoal on Fabriano Paper
Charcoal defines itself as a black amorphous form of carbon made by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of Air.
Themba decides to bring it back to life and tames this burned matter to suffocate, in this work, the Fabriano paper. Never did I see fire presented to us with its own consequence as the selected medium, and with such talent. This drawing is a powerful masterpiece of raw simplicity. Bull’s eye…So little to release so much before the ashes…
The landscape is bare. Fertility only lies here as a souvenir. The horizon bears a scar. The powerlines simply confirm the proximity of mankind to the crime scene.
The revolt is burning. Deliveries meet their shortfall, promises are broken and dreams vanish. The brazier roars again; the braziers are back. The true freedom fighters have now left and power has taken over wisdom.
The air becomes foul and irrespirable.
The rise of the African springs growls in the distance…
New tyres have caught a light !