On her return from St Emilion and Paris, Ruzy Rusike went to Cape Town to listen to Kendell Geers for the launch of his book at the Zeitz MOCCA. She took the opportunity to visit A4 Arts, Sheryn, Mmakgabo Mapula Helen Sebidi and Wim Botha’s exhibition at the Norval Foundation, Iziko, Gallery MOMO, Stevenson, GOODMAN Gallery, and Whatiftheworld.
Below you will find images from Kendell Geers book launch at Zeitz MOCCA. Geers spoke freely about his upbringing in South Africa and about his journey from when he started out as an artist to where he is now. He without hesitation spoke to the fact that he came from a family that supported the Apartheid regime but also the ways in which he dealt with it as a very real personal crisis. With this awareness of himself, he created a space where everyone could feely understand in relation to Geers history, self and the other. By doing so we got rid of the constraint of which we all carry with ourselves subconsciously or consciously and understood the need for Kendell Geers and the riding of Jacobus Hermanus Pieters Geers. We thank the entire team at Zeitz MOCCA but most importantly Kendell Geers
Mmakgabo Mapula Helen Sebidi and Wim Botha’s exhibition are must-see exhibitions. Noval Foundation has set a standard so high and so important that one can only stand up and applaud them. To the curators and artists congratulations on a fantastic show.
Images below first of Mmakgabo Mapula Helen Sebidi curated by Portia Malatjie then Wim Botha Curated by Owen Martin.
Picture Theory An Interaction with the work of David Goldblatt on now at A4 Art Foundation exemplifies what an institution should be doing the arts. Josh Ginsburg has curated a show that explores Goldblatt in the most sublime way.
Iziko as the national museum is currently exhibiting some fantastic shows and as the national Museum showcases why culture is important in a society. In fact, if one goes to the museum please spend at least 2hours there as they showcase the very reason why one creates art.

Few highlights from Goodman Gallery | Sam Nhlengethwa