CV Alon Skuy

ALON SKUY is a photojournalist based in Johannesburg, South Africa, focusing on issues relating to inequality, resilience and life on the fringes of society.

Skuy was born and educated in Johannesburg, and studied photography at The Market Photo Workshop. Skuy’s career has been defined by his depth and range as a news and feature photographer, notably, his coverage of the 2012 Marikana Massacre, said to be the most lethal use of force by South African security forces against civilians since 1976. Skuy was awarded the Ruth First Fellowship Award at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2008, for which he produced the photographic essay, ‘Living Inside a Bridge’. Skuy has previously exhibited his work on xenophobia, at the historic Constitution Hill In Johannesburg.

Artworks in the SAFFCA Collection