Foundry’s Louis Olivier has left his prints on Kentridge sculptures

Years from now, people will study this sculpture and see this other thumb print on it and find it belongs to Louis Olivier, says the artist holding a small William Kentridge sculpture in his hands. Olivier’s fingerprint might not be traceable on every Kentridge bronze-cast work, but hundreds, if not thousands, of them have passed […]

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Art: A word in your eye

The power of pairing words. LoveHate 2015. Perspex on wood. Picture: Supplied

BY MARY CORRIGALL, JANUARY 21 2016, 07:50 WILLEM Boshoff’s new solo exhibition, Reap the Whirlwind, has you reaching for a dictionary — or at least Google. Is there a word for someone who obsessively studies dictionaries, searching for patterns? An online search reveals a few related preoccupations; linguist, hieroglyphist and semiotician. No doubt Boshoff’s idiosyncratic […]

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